Security Department

The mission of the Security Department of the Barbados Community College is to foster feelings of safety and personal comfort in which to learn, live, work and grow. This mission will be accomplished by collaborating with the faculty, staff and students and by partnering with other groups and organizations in the community to provide services in a professional and courteous manner.

The vision is to lead in all areas of regulations and best practices on both campuses (“Eyrie” and Hospitality Institute) and to address the safety and security needs of its community efficiently and effectively. Additionally, the vision is to uphold the mission of the campus by supporting an environment in which diverse social, cultural, and academic values are free to develop and prosper. We recognize that effective campus security can only be achieved by establishing a professional and trusting relationship with those whom we serve.

While we pride ourselves on professionalism, our primary focus remains on the protection of life and property, through service to our community, the safety of our students, faculty and staff, and security of our campuses. We believe that this can be achieved through the pursuit of training which is focused on the special skills necessary to enhance the mission and vision.

Members of the Department have three primary roles. 

  • As a service department, we are charged not only with the protection of our students, faculty and fellow staff from harm and crime victimization, but we are also responsible for assisting and providing them with the service that improves the quality of college life.
  • As a safety and security department, we are charged with the responsibility of being first responders ensuring our properties are secured from damage or loss. We are also charged with proactively identifying safety and environmental hazards on our properties and in campus operations and partnering with other campus departments in reporting.
  • As a campus department, we are responsible for keeping the peace, protecting life, reducing crime, responding to emergencies and enforcing laws, rules and regulations, all aimed at protecting the lives of our students, faculty and staff, their property as well as that of the college.

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