Student Parking Guidelines

The management of the Barbados Community College has embarked on a Traffic Management Initiative geared at organizing traffic flows in and around the College as well as eliminating parking issues. To this end all students driving and parking on campus, will now be issued with Student Parking Stickers which must be affixed to the front windshield of the vehicle in which they drive. Vehicles bearing the student sticker will be allowed to park in the student’s parking areas located in the Pavilion car park, the Health Science Labs parking facility and at the back of Technology. Students must park their vehicles in the designated parking areas ONLY.


BCC Main Campus Designated Student Parking

Effective October 21, 2019, access to students driving vehicles will be by ‘Student Parking Sticker only. Students can register and obtain a student sticker along with a leaflet of guidelines for parking from the office of the Chief of Security at the Security Department.

Registration for the purpose of obtaining Student Stickers will commence on Monday, October 14, 2019, at the office of the Chief of Security between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students are expected to present their student identification card, vehicle registration, make and colour along with their driver’s license.


  1. Student sticker must be affixed to the left front windshield for right hand drive vehicles and to the right front for left hand drive vehicles.
  2. Students are entitled to one sticker only.
  3. Students MUST park in the student parking areas only.
  4. Students found in violation of these rules, will be given TWO warnings. The third violation will mean that the parking sticker will be revoked and that student will then have to use the car park at HEDU.
  5. Please note the sticker does not entitle you to the parking space on campus. Stickers will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
  6. The student sticker does not substitute for the presentation of student identification the access points.


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