Nursing Trio Awarded Ramona Mascoll Memorial Scholarship

 As Barbadians join in celebrating the invaluable contribution of nurses to the island's continued development, three young people aspiring to be members of the noble profession, have been recognized by a local banking institution.

The trio of nursing students was presented with scholarships by Jeffrey Newton, CIBC Caribbean’s Director of Corporate Banking for Barbados, and the OECS in the name of Ramona Mascoll, the first healthcare professional in Barbados to succumb to COVID-19 in 2020.

The trio was told they should always remember their reason for choosing the profession as they deliver care to their patients. In fact, Mr. Newton implored them to remember that their patients are human beings who may be at their worst and in need of help.

Mr. Newton also acknowledged that nursing has to be seen as a calling and a commitment given the significant challenges under which these ‘backbones of the health care sector’ are called to operate.

“That’s why we call nursing a calling. Far away from the glitz and glamour that make up other professions, you are there for people at their most vulnerable. Few people will see you on those nights when you are on duty and can’t sleep like the rest of us, because you are taking care of sick people in your care or dealing with the sometimes-unpleasant side effects of people being ill and worried, and sometimes frustrated relatives. By enrolling in this field of study at the Barbados Community College, you are giving a continued commitment to help. To help others when they often cannot help themselves. And that is a noble commitment,” he said.

Meanwhile, the College’s acting Deputy Principal, Samuel Bowen, reminded the students of the importance of self-care to maintain their ability to deliver the best possible care to their patients. He also reminded them to focus on the things within their control.

“You can set goals, you can set boundaries regarding those things within your control, but you can’t control how people speak to you or what they think of you. Those are outside of your control… always remember the power of self-care”.

First-year student, Rashawn Gibson, the lone male in the trio, thanked CIBC Caribbean for the $2,000 scholarship which will cover the cost of registration at the College, books, and uniforms. He said the injection of cash would significantly ease the financial burden he and his colleagues face, allowing them instead to focus on their students.

Gibson also called on more people, particularly males, to join the fraternity as there is still an acute shortage of nursing professionals.

The late Ramona Mascoll’s son, Renaldo Matomoro also attended the presentation and congratulated the students on their achievements so far. Along with Gibson, Kayli Jordan, a 2nd year student, and Shannon Yard, a 3rd year student, all qualified for the scholarship based on their academic performance, financial need, and personality attributes.

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