The Health Clinic is a free, confidential, on-site ambulatory health care service which strives to provide excellent student-centered primary healthcare. We endeavour to protect and promote students’ health, facilitate optimal development and advance their academic success within an inclusive, supportive clinical care environment. With prevention being our emphasis, we aim to meet the unique health needs of our students through our health promotion and education programmes, targeted healthy lifestyle interventions, tailored patient teaching/coaching and health counselling.
We take health and wellness seriously! We are the bridge between healthcare and education. Collaboratively, we support our patients in their critical health decision making and share how health-related behaviours may impact learning, personal development and life success beyond college. The clinic is staffed by a cadre of highly qualified, licensed health care professionals including a family and public health physician, registered nurses and administrative personnel with adjunct health professionals and associates in mental health, psychiatry and dentistry.
Report to the clinic if you are unwell; were injured while on campus or were injured during a college activity; require a clinical health assessment; early diagnosis and treatment for an illness or require referral to other local health facilities or health care practitioners.
Parental consent is required for persons under the age of 18 years; however in emergencies treatment for injury or serious illness will be given if delays would jeopardize the patient’s health and safety. Note, implied consent is but for the duration of the emergency. For other medical services, parental consent must be obtained before treatment or medical procedures. Parents may download a form to complete from BCC Student Health Clinic (page) and returned it by their ward, via fax or email. Parental verbal permission may be given at the time of the visit to the College nurse.
There is no charge for office visits; patients are however responsible for the cost of medications prescribed by the doctor and other necessary provider-initiated investigations (diagnostic tests).